
Dude payed for the game, whatever he wants to do with it is none of your business.

So sick of random Kotaku radio posts.

She said she wanted to deal with this herself, so you called her husband a coward.

Doesn’t matter how, the right team won.

If you’re the dbag who streams your games you deserve to be at a disadvantage and to get you shit lit up. Fucking swat em all and let God sort them out.

I only played ffxii for the soul of the hanging carpets, now they’ve taken that away from me .

Solid burn on a poorly done article.

We’re you up in arms about Man in the High Castle? This could be solid, and if it’s horrible it’ll get dropped and we move forward as an HBO subscribed species.

If I’m ready to get off and you’re not, then I don’t care where you’re sitting. It’s like letting every car get in front of you before a merge. You get what’s yours, and sucks to suck.

I’d go Chevron over Unicorn Abattoir any day.

Should’ve been in GTA: Chinatown Wars.

I’m glad that this is the next IP that Arcsys decided to work on. It’s gonna be incredible.

Oooohh...not great.



His hands look so soft because they’ve never had to do any hard work. Just the occasional pussy grabbing .

I would rather watch La La Land again rather than try getting through this atrocious “article” again.

Is this the worst column on Jezebel?

Oh shit, that called the police.

Tight, any way I could borrow the 30 good ones?