Panther Brown Tdi Volvo Shooting Brake Manual Miata RWD Wagon Stole HondaBro's Accord.

If only.

A mini-review:

Toyota’s favorite snack is unsalted unbuttered popcorn.

Most of the comparisons drawn between Hitler and Trump are hyperbole, but this is just uncanny

The Infiniti is strong with this one.

You’d figure Honda would want to avoid accidentally legitimizing everything that Hondanonymous wrote, but, well, thanks for letting us know that was all true, Honda.

Hey! I for one really like Bernie.

You forgot to mention the fact that certain packages above “Premium” (and it is stock on Hybrid version) add DAS - Direct Adaptive Steering, which decouples the steering wheel from the steering rack. In an addition to lag (the time it takes for steering sensors to detect steering wheel’s movements, process the info

I like that they didn’t go retro like many of the other makers.

Now playing

And... Someone also made PC out of Fallout 4 Mininuke also

I had this old Camaro once and it kept turning into a goddamn robot. Dude I’m trying to get to work!

Between Zappos and Amazon, being expected to pay shipping now strikes me as miserly on the retailer’s part. I’m so fucking spoiled.

Between Zappos and Amazon, being expected to pay shipping now strikes me as miserly on the retailer’s part. I’m so

wow that could be a big fine. i am surprised they would even take the risk. i am guessing so they did not have to use a urea exhaust system for those years. but this could lead to see who else is doing this.


I imagine that forfeiting the car still wouldn’t cover the cost of the tolls.

“Doesn’t even have a Saab Sonett”

loeb doesn't drive in f1