
And another thing it sucks for the people who were hoping for this but the one I want is Dragon-Shining Resonance (don’t think it actually has Dragon in the title)

I think it’s harsh to put Nintendo with those others sure there’s plenty they could improve on but they still try and I’d argue that part of what led SE trying was taking a chance on Bravely Default (and it’s success which proved hey maybe they like these games in the west too) which I believe wouldn’t have come over

I like those cops

Yeah I’m with you I completely thought Bayer Munich forfeited that’s why I watched the video, I was like what could’ve happened in 8 seconds to convince them they had no shot at winning and just throw in the towel

I can’t let you do that Starfox

I always liked the swastika design it sucks how the Nazis ruined it for everyone as originally I think it was Swahili in origin and meant victory or something similar

Maybe if you prefer playing on pc? I haven’t beaten my copy for Wii u either but if all this version has are graphics and a couple weapons don’t see the need for it

It’s the same way I felt about no one trying to do more shooters on Wii for FPS I prefer mouse and keyboard best but right after I’d say my favorite is wiimote and nunchuk RE4 absolutely nailed the controls for it

Maybe someone will make a horror level can you actually put skinny mario in the game as an enemy that’d be terrifying having to face him or multiple copies in one of those no light levels

So I checked the listing but was curious to know if anyone knows if it’s compatible with Nintendo i see no reason it shouldn’t be if it works with Xbox and PlayStation but they seem to go out of their way in not listing Nintendo

So I checked the listing but was curious to know if anyone knows if it’s compatible with Nintendo i see no reason it

It’s unfortunate that so many people have microphones when so few know how to use them. Have you played Splatoonn? The no voice chat never bothered me figured if it had it I’d just mute it anyways maybe if I knew the people in person otherwise anonymous strangers I don’t trust to police themselves

I love mallrats but I can’t stand it when it’s on tv it’s butchered funny how Scarface is ok for me on television but not mallrats

Somebody call an ambulance there’s a little Inafune stuck in the escalator

Not the Spanish inquisition, I wasn’t expecting this

Hah me and my cousins all thought Lotso got off too easy after having watched Toy Story 1+2+3 and growing with the characters SPOILERS BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU HAVENT SEEN TOY STORY 3 YOU DESERVE IT but the scene where they think they’re gonna be burned in the incinerator and just all grab hands was too much Lotso to

Thank you for clarifying it was not in fact the console I was Ps2 this guy really likes what he likes and sticks to it

We also barely got Golden Sun the lost age almost a year after Europe and I’m just waiting on Zero Mission the original is too crazy I’d have to beat it like in 1 sitting to remember all the rooms and paths

I never thought I’d meet anyone who remembered pogz I had 2 uncle’s who worked with steel or something so they made my older brother these two fatty slammers he used to win a lot games my liquor store still used to sell some a couple years back

Wrong clearly you get the limited edition with all story paths when it releases do you even Fire Emblem bro?

Haha yeah I feel like their S support is the game trying to tell you they’re not meant for each other and give you one last chance to not go through with it