
It was the last game they worked on just thought it was messed up make what we want ok thanks by like what happened with majority of I think t was high moon studios after they finished deadpool I really liked their transformers games understand that’s how the industry works but I don’t like it when my favorite studios

I just came back from reading their C and B supports and was dying that is soon bad thanks for the laugh it made my day

Same with chrome and sumia and ditto for my character and Cordelia it set me up with 2 pairs of super sisters who inherited galeforce from their mothers and when paired up basically won the later maps for me on their own

It’s why I dislike Microsoft they shoehorned Halo into their SciFi RTS and then when the halo fans didn’t embrace it and the tarts fans weren’t in love with it they shut them down I dunno maybe you could have just let them make the game they wanted on their platform of choice I would have gotten that pc game anyways

Yeah once Activision got their grubby mitts on him he was a goner poor crash I loved team racing

Seems kind petty Nintendo has been slow to put their classics on the Wii U (still waiting for Golden Sun Lost Age and metroid Zero) but those 7 N64 games are all owned by Rare I don’t think Nintendo can put them on their service and believe me I want those Nintendo classics but it seems like nobody seems to care if

Maybe he could’ve been “misunderstood” on his original comments on Mexicans but didn’t he go back and double down on his statements

I want to play games on consoles I don’t own but I just plan on buying said consoles instead of holding out hope it’ll come to the ones I do own at least you’re optimistic tho

You meant when they release...

So was yours a success then or are you still in the planning stages?

Never beat the original fallout because I could never win in the final battle without Dogmeat getting killed he refused to be left behind no how far I tried to leave him to start the battle he always came rushing in the closest I ever got was him dying 2 turns before I killed the boss...stupid dog😭

Darkness!NO Parents!

It isn’t what I was thinking when it was first announced but I also thought that the original announcement was really vague and didn’t really say anything so I had an open mind still surprised though it’s its own thing but with FE and SMT influence kinda like how kingdom hearts has Disney and square enix influence