Egregious omissions from the Egregious omissions:
that’s not what the jordan rules were
I want this to become a trend for all siblings of well known people. Who am I looking forward to hearing from most? You guessed it...Frank Stallone.
It’s 1.23% right now. 0.012% was somewhere around the first or second inning on Sunday.
Have to disagree - the woman behind that media guy is the real hero here. Look at her reaction to “a personal Final Four tradition”.
Penn State, demonstrating that relentless Paas rush
When beating Duke, celebration krzyld be kept to a minimum.
Or a Wesley Willis song.
Temps ! How low can they go ?
Speaking of candy changing flavors...I bought a package of Skittles for the first time in a few years the other day and imagine my shock and disappointment when I found out they changed the best flavor (lime, obviously), to perhaps the worst candy flavor on earth: sour apple. I wish the candy industry would stop…
I don’t understand why Tennessee would even need a Head Trainer anyway. Peyton’s was big enough already.
Rusty Kuntz Jr.
I love the thought of the Clippers getting him and somehow becoming even less likable.
Your comment is butt.
You are staggeringly dull and horrible.
This incident raises so many important questions. Like, did he take the 101 the whole way? Or did he take 126 to the 5, which can be faster, but there’s a lot of construction these days?
I like CCleaner, but maybe I'm only using the free version, since I thought it's supposed to remove the Windows Update installers as well. For those not in the know and want to do it...