
Kmowing him, he was truly in love and just being a dumbass because that's what he's known for. I mean, the dude let his Twitter followers choose his new middle name! Isn't his name now macualy culkin culkin? Tbh minus his boneheaded comment, he's the only child actor I can tolerate

Hopefully it was just said with enthusiasm and love. It isn’t wrong to be excited at the idea of your biological child sharing attributes with your partner. The fact that he described his hypothetical progeny as “Sean Lennon’s”, really took away anything creepy about it for me.

i wish i had never read this not because he’s some idol to me but the fetihization is just gross and brenda song is awesome.

Whenever anyone tells me about a restrictive diet where they eat solely animal products or solely fruit I roll my eyes inside. It's not healthy. Now, it's none of my business if other people are eating a healthy diet. But I feel like a lot of the people promoting these weird diets always tout it as a miracle diet for

This was the most spectacularly hilarious example of the Streisand Effect in action. Congrats, Khloe, you played yourself.

This was it, this was the time she could have just been like, You know what? Yep that’s me, here you go. She has a clothing brand that she routinely shows women of all sizes and shapes on the website....talks about how normal it is to not be perfect. The feedback she was getting on that photo was great. And she looked

Her “proving” her body is creating the same problem she’s complaining about.

I get all the points she is making - but she can stop now. 

Of all of the members of that family on that show, Khloe was the only one to demonstrate things like insight and empathy. She also struggled the most with mental health growing up (she left traditional high school due to social/emotional issues). I think the sadness and self-criticism she mentions in the post is real,

It’s completely back-asswards from any kind of notion of health.

I’m waiting for someone to point out where in the original photo she looks like she isn’t fit? Her stomach is flat, her ribs are slightly showing, and she has a clearly defined waist. What the fuck is even wrong with that photo? I find it bizarre. It looks just like what she’s showing on instagram, except from a front

Unlike many commenters here, I typically have patience with the Kardashian family. They just don’t get under my skin much. But this shit is beyond the pale to me for some reason. I guess I hit my cap. The idea of a 37 yo woman hopping on Instagram live to “prove” her body actually looks a certain way is INSANE to me.

And think of how awful they must smell. Meat sweats!

I’m just thinking “I bet their farts can clear a room”.

She spent all that money on surgeries and altering her body only to fucking hate herself. Its actually kinda sad. This could have been done quietly as in, ignored or this could have been a teaching moment, a self reflection, a journey to acceptance....but she chose violence and now people are even MORE fired up to

I think they’re both ridiculous. Both women would be far better humans if they just relaxed their grip on their images. 


Season 4 may be my favorite season of all-time. (I love you, Needles!) The insane filter was gone, there were still crafty DIY challenges, the queens were talented (but a little rough around the edges—excluding Chad), there was a true SCANDAL with Willam’s exit, true animosity between Phi Phi and Sharon, and no one

This has been the worst season of the main franchise in a very long time (not counting the latest two mediocre All Stars). I knew it was gonna be rough from that hideous premiere episode and the EXTREMELLY questionable judging after that. It’s clearer than ever he just hand picks whoever he wants to end up in the

Kandy, against my suspicions and wishes, has managed to slide into the finale - and there will be a four-person finale so they can do the elimination lip sync as per usual.