
Is that Kim Kardashian?? Man, I miss her old face.

This stupid shit is why it’s hard to take Christians seriously.

These people are the heart of our city. I can’t imagine how it must feel to have to clean up after that scum, knowing how they feel about us. I fuckin’ hate it.

The cult of LDR is a weird one. 

My husband is American and is only Irish as far as his ancestry goes, but man, sometimes I see guys like this and the stereotypical “Irish look” that he has in common with dudes like this really gives me pause. Apparently I really like pale men with big upper bodies.

Kristen Wiig beating the shit out of a cat caller was basically my fantasy come to life.

exoticism, I think. I’d equate it to a white American claiming to be Scottish and using a fake accent. It’s a little offensive but mostly fucking weird. 

My family is Catalonian and I also spent a lot of time going to/from the area, but I never developed an accent. I don’t know if she’s lying or if she just spent a shitload of time there, but she would have had to have basically grown up there in her early years to have an accent.

I actually LOVED Max. He is maybe the first Latino to be in a big superhero movie as a main character, and the fact that they focused on how his experience as a 1st generation American shaped his personality felt extremely personable to me. Anyone who has ever been made fun of for bringing ethnic food to school as a

I miss Clean House, but also How Clean is Your House? The English version, where they actually teach you great cleaning tricks! And wear fabulous gloves!

Truly a hero worth singing about. She will be remembered fondly.

I am now researching Tonga for reasons.

I’ve been married 10 years and the only secret to that kind of stability is that we both accepted that we’ll never be “perfect”. I don’t want to play board games every night just like he doesn’t want to binge Broadchurch every night. That said, I still enjoy his company, and when we do have one of those big problems

This is the ticket I wanted!

I’m convinced Kanye designed those dildos because he’s just that bad at making anything aesthetically pleasing.

Why the fuuuuuck do people still support this monster?

But with much less rape.


Miley has always been trash. I'm annoyed it took this long for people to see it but I'm even more annoyed she said such hurtful damaging things about people she raises money for. 

Them and golden doodles are beautiful dogs. I'm terribly allergic to most breeds so I hope I can get a poodle mix someday, but I understand his concern about puppy milling. There are too many nice animals that need a good home.