
I’m here because of domestic workers. My mom came to the US as a nanny for a Spanish diplomat, and my dad came because his sister was able to sponsor him. My aunt was also a nanny, but she came from El Salvador, and she was able to sponsor my dad. I owe everything to domestic workers.

This was a great episode and definitely a step up from the last season. Season 9 did nothing for me and All Stars 3 wasn’t any good once Ben left. I was rooting for Kalorie but Miz Cracker definitely has my attention, now!

Yes ladies!! I fully support their right to equality! I hope they get everything they’re after.

Agree. Sick to death of Anne Boleyn, gimme that Catherine!

OH FUCK YES. My favorite of his queens!

The sleepiest church

For real though. Her voice is boring as hell.

Emma Watson wasn’t bad enough so lets cast someone whose singing isn’t terrible, just incredibly boring.

Lots of eye makeup too, but I imagine it’s jarring to see Barbies without it now.

I found the first season kind of boring. I liked the villain but if he’s gone I’m not really all that compelled by JJ herself. Also that sex scene in the first season with Luke Cage felt weirdly un-sexy, like there was zero chemistry and they were contractually obligated to have two super-strong people bone.

I really love the idea of this show, if not the execution. I hope the second season is better because the plot is pretty great.

Oh my god I cried during all of Coco and watching the video of their duet made me cry even more. How is this movie so emotional that even a few bars of the song rip my heart out??

I remember that day because it was my one year wedding anniversary and I cried at the party. :(

I cried when she died. It felt like people just wanted to make fun of her, and the people who actually tried to help her were brushed off.

She was an extremely talented singer. I was recently listening to a playlist that is in chronological order, and it’s sad listening to the degrade in her performance. She could have been incredible.

I love this.

Oh man, this game is actually what made me want a Playstation! I wish they would remake it!

I miss Blade. I’d give anything to see him show up in the new MCU.

Did anyone else cry during this or just my emotional nerdy ass?

Yessss Katrina! What ever happened to her, she was so cute!