
That sounds pretty metal.

Poor girl is so clearly trying to emulate Kim and it's weirding me out. I remember watching an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians years ago and she looked completely different. Her lips are HUGE now, and don't try and tell me it's makeup because come on. That's some crazy ass plumping shit she's using or she

This is some insanely sad shit. Whitney was a magnificent talent, but she needed some real help.

I do. Grew up Catholic. Never really had a bad experience.

Jodie was fantastic.

It kind of pisses me off that this is acceptable.

I hope so!

I hope that's the case!

Fake singing sounds terrible, though. And why do that when there are a billion singer/actors out there? I know, I know.. nobody goes to movies with "unknown" actors, she'll bring more fans, ect...

Kinda wish they'd cast someone who could already sing. I love Watson, but if the role requires singing, why not hire someone who can act AND sing already? I really don't want another Burton's Sweeney Todd.. ugh

That is some irritating BS. However. I like free drinks, so send that douche my way!

"After being the only girl in bands for 10 years, I learned—the hard way—that if I was going to get my ideas through, I was going to have to pretend that they—men—had the ideas."

ugh. Exactly. Name Game was great. No more.

I guess I can go back and watch the episodes I missed, but meh? I was so disappointed this season. Those songs made me want to punch someone in the face.

What the actual fuck and who wears this tasteless bullshit.

Are you fucking kidding me? Bring them all here. Hell, turn El Salvador into a US state. Both of my parents are immigrants, I'm not that much of a coconut that I don't want them to stay.

So fucking glad my dad immigrated to the US. I'm sure there are many lovely people there (basically my dad's whole family..) but I have no desire to ever set foot in that country unless they do some drastic changes.


Yeah, I've noticed that their cotton shirts are super thin. Kinda weird!

Eeeeeee!! She's so beautiful and his voice is so dreamy.. I hope I can grow old the way she has!