
Fuck YES, metal Christopher Lee! thank you Jezebel, for speaking to my people!

The music ruined this season for me. It would be alright if they didn't keep adding stupid musical numbers.


Or you could go to Colorado! :D

I have white friends who smoke all the time, and I'm still too scared to try. Mostly because I have security clearance and I refuse to do something to jeopardize my job.

Gotcha. Still, the act of smoking at all is something I'd be too scared to even try.

I know that the house my boyfriend (in high school) used to hang out in was full of white kids smoking pot because the mom would let them. I was scared to be within a block of that house.

Yes, but you were driving while high. I would be too terrified to BE high, let alone drive while high. That's what I'm talking about.

Exactly what I'm talking about. My husband is from a super white neighborhood, and all his friends either smoked pot or did some kind of drugs. None of them ever got in any trouble for it.

Ooof.. that's shitty, man.

Whenever my white friends told me about how they smoked pot all the time, all I could think of is what my dad told me:
Don't do drugs. Don't break any laws. Don't do anything that the police can arrest you for, because they will have no mercy on you.

White kids don't feel this way. They blatantly would smoke pot in

This image sums up my feelings pretty accurately.



I agree, though. Everyone loves black culture but nobody wants to actually BE black. It's fucking terrible.

I totally agree. I just wish they hadn't made her sound so processed, but that may just be my own personal taste. It sounds very "modern", so that's probably just what they're going for.

I agree.

I think she's adorable and a great actress, but I am not feeling Annie. Cameron Diaz looks terrible and (whether she is or not, it may just be the way they processed the sound) Quvenzhané sounds auto-tuned.

30's - 50's would have been my era to shine, had that era been kinder to people of the brown persuasion..