I suppose that's true if fame and fortune are your ultimate goal. If you're in it for the art, you have plenty of options. As a musician, I'd rather never be famous than subject myself to a rape scene.
I suppose that's true if fame and fortune are your ultimate goal. If you're in it for the art, you have plenty of options. As a musician, I'd rather never be famous than subject myself to a rape scene.
All those poor tired people finally have someone to look up to.
I see nothing tacky about this photo. She is living it UP.
I absolutely adored her.
She is the freaking worst. Her mumble-groan music is the worst thing to happen to the radio since god knows when.
I also have serious questions about why Lana Del Rey would subject herself to it at all...
Do you? Because she seems willing to do just about anything to be relevant. And by the way, Marilyn Manson sucks. Fuck him and his shitty shock rock.
I hope she's the queen. She's standing next to the dude who trains the prince and what appears to be the king.. if she's the queen, this movie is automatically my favorite Disney movie ever. DON'T DISAPPOINT ME, DISNEY. (Seriously, I'm recreating this outfit for my Christmas party.)
Again. I NEED to know who this woman is. Because if she is the queen, I WILL LOSE MY SHIT.
WHO IS THAT WOMAN. She is clearly the most interesting character in this movie! I NEED TO KNOW!!
I can see where she's making her lips bigger with make-up, but they're definitely also physically bigger.
I was thinking the same thing.
This is both sad and horrific.
"I want to say that I'm not against gays, I just want my son to be a real man, not a fag."
Humanity continues to disappoint me. Whoever thinks that it's cool to support a dude who literally beat a 4 year old so hard he went to the hospital is an absolute piece of shit person.
My heart weeps reading this.
There are few crimes greater than adding ketchup to a steak. UGH.
I'm fairly ignorant of anything pop related, but I like her hair.
Go Charlie XCX! I don't know who you are, but I like the cut of your jib. Also, we have similar taste in makeup.
She'd make an incredible Molotov Cocktease. >_>
I'm actually not a fan. They're too spongy. If I'm gonna break my diet for bread, it better be some good-ass hearty rustic bread.