

Good lord, poor lady, but seriously... why? Why would anyone let a stranger inject them with something??

As the wife of a man who works in mobile gaming, this is all really educational.

Wow. What a horrible bitch.

Interesting that it has lots of meanings.

That's good to know.

I have very little to add except that the tear drop tattoo really kind of ruins his face for me. Not because I don't like tattoos, but because of what that's supposed to mean.

Yeah, that seems to be how it is in my family too!

My mom met the royal family (she's Catalonian) and they were all very nice. The prince is quite tall (over 6' I think) and my mom is 4'11" so there's a great photo of her looking up while he looks down. It made it to a Spanish magazine cover, which probably gave my grandmother a heart attack. Anyway, the royal family

Come on, Gaga is an artist. I'm sure this was all some amazing expression about something amazing or something. #SARCASMJESUSCHRIST

Yeah, those are great characters if they can sing well!

I know, right??

I don't think they're all that deep. I just like the story.

No but they did cut a bunch of lines and make me irrationally hate the main characters. Such a fucking horrible rant rant rant anger anger anger..

"(seasoned Sondheim-ruiner) Johnny Depp..."

Jesus Christ, AND HOW. If I hadn't been set on the correct path after that fucking movie, I might have hated Sweeney Todd forever. Thank goodness for Angela Lansbury.

I make this at home and I love it. It feels like a latte but without the sugar.

Gay of Thrones is my favorite episode recap. Holy crap this was amazing.

The MIDI music made this for me.

How dare you lead on Flaca? e_e I love that bitch's stupid eye tattoos!