I hate the fact that I felt the same way in college. I hate the fact that I was shamed for it. There's nothing wrong with doing what you want with your body, especially if what you want is to not do something. :/ Sometimes I feel like people project their insecurities when they try to shame someone else. It would be…
Oh man, I loved Tangled.. Mother Gothel is my favorite Disney Villain! Her song is the greatest!
I loved Pocahontas.. :( Probably because she was the closest Disney princess I could relate to. Yay Natives!
OMG... "Vampire venom". Just kill me.
Katniss annoys me less, I agree.
For a moment I actually considered that she might be cliff diving, but that would stray from her blank personality so I knew it couldn't be true.
That is so freaking depressing...
That sucks. It's not just a love story when somebody THROWS THEMSELVES OFF A CLIFF.
I never read the Hunger Games, but I hear they're a quick read so I may pick them up once I'm done with Moloka'i.
Everyone was doing Let It Go, so I felt I had to do one too.. but in my own way.
Hurray for heavy metal covers! I did one, too!
That's so shitty. I hate how self-entitled people feel to other people's art and property.
Fuck Twilight. I got into a family argument over that shit when I voiced my opinion about how horrible it is; both the story and the writing. I can't believe people ever liked it. It makes me nauseous to think about it.
Ugh... as a musician, nothing pisses us off more than people who think they're entitled to music because it's not a tangible piece of art. Of course it's wrong to steal a painting, but a song? Nobody cares.
Photographer literally jacks off in a girl's face and continues to have high-end clients. Because that makes sense.
My wedding dress was less than $400 at David's Bridal and was exactly what I wanted. There are cheap alternatives to the thousand dollar gowns everywhere if you don't mind looking.
It feels like she's doing some kind of mating dance to call males toward her, not unlike a tropical bird.
I'm just going to continue disliking them both.