Nina Swan

Didgeridouche. That made my day. Stealing.

Why would a new mom have a spare robe and no diapers?

Second-wave feminist here. I am more than OK with this movie, if we get to see her tear the cheating fucker’s throat out.

And what’s with the eleventy Puerto Rico flag emojis?

It didn’t happen, fortunately. Somehow, she got the message beforehand. But if we’d done that, the result would have been a masterfully executed guilt trip, not a fight.

I’m still laughing at this. Or maybe crying. Not sure.

That the cat lives is all the motivation I need to see this movie. God, I really can’t handle it when people murder animals or use them as guinea pigs (so to speak) in science fiction/horror movies. I have to leave the room . Especially cats—I think depicting the torture or death of cats on screen reveals a vicious

What horrifies me more about movies like Saw than their content is the notion that some people think movies that consist entirely of gratuitous torture for its own sake are entertainment. Roger Ebert once said about Wolf Creek, “The theaters are crowded right now with wonderful, thrilling, funny, warm-hearted,

Vintage Brithorror can be surprisingly gruesome, though. Theatre of Blood is an absolute classic (and stars both Vincent Price and Diana Rigg), but there are certain scenes for which I have to leave the room because they’re just too disturbing to contemplate...and, of course, they remind you how much horror there

Don’t forget Hot Fuzz!

Nothing has scared me as much before or since watching Whatever Happened to Baby Jane one night on late-night television. It was nonstop suffocating dread. I think psychological thrillers have a lot more power than anything with supernatural elements or gore, perhaps because one can’t believe that the characters are

I always think of the Tarkovsky Solaris as more gorgeous and sad than scary, but it does have its moments of existential horror. It really holds up over time—it’s much better than the Soderbergh remake.

This didn’t make me scared. It just made me fucking angry enough to want to learn how to do some real damage with a carving knife.

Really? I thought that one was gendered the other way round.

When my niece K was seven, she saw some commercial about a globetrotting garden gnome (a la Amelie) and sent a little stuffed bear with her grandmother to visit us. We took lots of pictures of Mr. Bear doing things like sunning on the quad, sneaking onto the football field through an unlocked entrance, checking out

edited—not sure I want this story in public after all.

*snort* A good helping of both, of course.

Aaargh, yes. My mother-in-law seems to think we’re her own personal Goodwill dropoff. We went camping with them recently, for which they brought along a tent that had been in their basement for years, and while it was still perfectly serviceable, they didn’t plan to use it again. She wanted to leave it with us,

I was aware that it was supposed to be a joke, yes. However, for feminists, “but what if” questions, whether or not posed facetiously, are like being nibbled to death by ducks.

Ah, but I suspect that for people with small children, any day (and possibly every day) could be World Burpee Day. What a godsend.