
Yeah no

I loved the "new phone, who dis?" text dropped on Lindsay a couple episodes back. The moment felt a little strange to me though, and I see now what it's purpose was in the larger story arc. She began to use it for her own purposes, and then by sheer good timing, it inspired Shitstain and got her singing vocals on one

Orlando Bloom was dropped from the title to go make the Hobbit.

1. The song Miley does is pretty clearly a take on her own stuff, not Beyonce's.
2. It was Jimmy Kimmel, not the Tonight Show, Lorde was going on.

The reactions to this piece are very disappointing.i expected better, more enlightened responses from the AV Club crowd.

I want to review this reviewer. Two thumbs down.

Carrie, can I just pay you to write about Vampire Diaries every week for my personal reading pleasure? Sad there will be no more coverage.

It's the third episode of the season. It can afford to a little light - just hitting on things that will be more involved later. For the love of Jeebus.

THANK YOU! Exactly. 100%.

I felt the exact opposite - I loved this episode. It was a chance to breath and enjoy the characters and the show enjoying themselves for once.

I felt the quality of the writing was mediocre and boring instead of "punchy and fun." And derivative of much that has come before it, including WAY better spoofs like Burning Love.

I read TV Club every day - and am a playwright and editor. In other words, I love to dissect stories. Lots of show like Community, Bob's Burgers, etc get a lot of loving dissection, but HIMYM and Walking Dead get a lot of hate lately.

When did AV Club commentary get so negative? Can't read Walking Dead or HIMYM comments without feeling like I'm the only one who actually enjoys the shows I watch.

"Holy macaroni was Will the biggest douche bag tonight. I really hate Glee for poking fun at a self-destructive April Rhodes but I hate Will even more for his comments tonight. He's so irresponsible with the Glee club then marches around on his high horse. "

Exactly. It just isn't something a friend does. I think Santana deserved that slap. And twelve more.

No, I had the same reaction. It was really off-putting. I kept thinking they must mean 2030.

I never thought about the possibility that Lizzie killed Karen and Carol is protecting her. That could make sense.

if Lizzy had smothered Judith to death, I think that would’ve finally ruined what little pleasure I take from the on-going suffering of this group of sweaty grumblers…

I posted here yesterday about this very thing, but can't find the comment. Kind of pissing me off because I was stoked to post about it first:…