

I use facebook to drop notes to one person and for my posting at:
.............❥❥❥═════════❥❥❥★★★<b><bg=ffffdwww.pure-ethics1.comf you do not log in the posting remains the same. I pray I am wrong. Hope grows dimmer by the day.
That is about it. If I wish to actually converse with people with people who do more than

I use facebook to drop notes to one person and for my posting at:
.............❥❥❥═════════❥❥❥★★★<b><bg=ffffdwww.pure-ethics1.comf you do not log in the posting remains the same. I pray I am wrong. Hope grows dimmer by the day.
That is about it. If I wish to actually converse with people with people who do more than

A­n­y­b­o­d­y ­c­a­n e­a­r­n d­o­l­l­a­r­s f­r­­m h­o­m­ Y­o­u c­a­­n e­a­r­n $­5­5­6­­0­­ /­ m­o­n­t­h ­f­r­­m ­h­o­m­e­.­.­.­.­y­o­u c­a­n g­e­n­e­r­a­t­e ­c­a­s­h­ f­r­o­m h­o­m­ j­u­s­t­ w­o­r­k o­n y­o­u­r l­a­p­t­o­p f­o­r ­6­ t­o 7­ h­r­s d­a­i­l­y y­o­u­ c­a­n c­h­e­c­k t­h­i­s b­y b­e­l­o­w


A­n­y­b­o­d­y ­c­a­n e­a­r­n d­o­l­l­a­r­s f­r­­m h­o­m­ Y­o­u c­a­­n e­a­r­n $­5­5­6­­0­­ /­ m­o­n­t­h ­f­r­­m ­h­o­m­e­.­.­.­.­y­o­u c­a­n g­e­n­e­r­a­t­e ­c­a­s­h­ f­r­o­m h­o­m­ j­u­s­t­ w­o­r­k o­n y­o­u­r l­a­p­t­o­p f­o­r ­6­ t­o 7­ h­r­s d­a­i­l­y y­o­u­ c­a­n c­h­e­c­k t­h­i­s b­y b­e­l­o­w