


All websites should be this good - really?

Question to Stephen - If the universe as we know it began and was created by the Big Bang, then what created the big bang? Can nothing come in to being as something? Or does it have exist forever in order to come in to being?

Why tug around a portable solar cooker when you can munch on beef jerkey.

At first glance it seemed he was gesturing the shoe size - my shoe size :-p

Been playing Call of Duty too long?

All you whining little pussies. You can't handle the truth. Yet most of you would not mind seeing the real photo of Osama dead on gizmo's site. To address the point you claimed the article does not belong because this is a 'tech/gadget' site you are all wrong - Ramazan updated his FaceBook status prior to the killing.


good observation there Watson.

you installed a link to your work pc ? - genius, you should definitely see a raise. Muahahahahhaha!

yea except he probably did not remember most of them...

Was the first message sent over ARPANET.

Gotta love the striped pants.

Apparently none of you guys ride motorcycles. The bike is naturally finding its balance on an uneven road – a natural occurrence. At 190MPH a steering dampener would do jack.

Don't question the motives of the Supreme Commander.

VADO HD anyone?

...and this is what it looks like when you zoom in

...and as you zoom in on the image it looks like this

I sense a series of new Godzilla movies coming out.