
I say forget the sun. Dropping them off in N. Korea would be much more feasible. Besides aren't they in dire need of spent plutonium?

They make for easier target marks

Would have been more impressed had the camera captured the ball

I too used the amazing powers of CS5 to see what was hiding behind mona lisa. This is what I found.

Please enlighten me. I have an SB-400 flash and D90 body. This is how I see it:

Nice challenge. I wish I had the mula AND the equipment to do this challenge. Let's see just 5 SB-700 amounts to over $1600. SB-900s well thats well over $2000. Lets consider stands, diffusers, etc. and we have a photo challenge that very likely can cost $5000 or more. Makes me wonder if the photo challenge suggestion

I got one for $35!

Impressive but it's still too laggy for a game of Black Ops.

That's 5 minutes of my life I'm not getting back. Edit - I stopped at 2:44.

Don't be a sour-puss.

Desperation. At&t here is a novel idea - LOWER YOUR PRICES!

I want one at USB 3.0 speeds AND this price.

SATA III at 6Gbit/s is the way to go. As of now only Crucial sells the faster SSDs. Intel drives are excellent - curious to see what they release next.

In this instance you get what you pay for.

These guys if/when they break to the mainstream movie business will earn an Oscar. Just WOW!

You know what I say? If they want to change their domain suffix or name for that matter they CAN to whatever the hell they want - as long it is not taken already. That's my two cents worth.

@echo off: Comes with clock AND reversi? I'm getting it.

@OMG! WTF!!: select all robots and DESTROY!

The man is/was a genius - genius I tell ya.