
That travel story can NOT be topped. Wow. Just — WOW!!!!

I am, too!

"Well, you never know. I'm a very important person. I sell monogrammed coffee thermoses."

You have a theory? Your cold, dead heart? I know what YOU spend YOUR valuable time doing — and it is worth every effulgent second. Well done!

That is not paranoid. That is exceptionally intelligent. Never throw evidence away.

This has been going on for months? I don't know you — but I am worried about you. Perhaps — I hate to say this because it sounds sexist and awful, but perhaps you should get a man to call him and tell him to stop bothering you. I only recommend that because I had to do that and it worked. Pick a man who sounds

You deserve SO MUCH extra credit for that AWESOME post!!!!!

Wow. It's just amazing that he is single, isn't it? I have to go PUKE now.

You are a teacher. Really? Where? I am in NYC and I have taught many, many children of cops. This has nothing to do with white = right. This has a lot to do with members of one union not marching against member of another union. It also has a lot to do with teachers refusing to march against the union that

Do you realize that I have many students who are the children of cops? What — do you think children of color don't have cops for parents? They do. Many of them do.

When I first heard that Michael Mulgrew wanted the teachers in the UFT to march against members of ANOTHER union, do you know what my first thought was? It was this — "How can he ask us to do that to our students?" The truth is, many of our students are the sons and daughters of cops. Many. Did that thought not

I call BS big time. I have used a cup since the 90s. First off — it does not operate as a plug. If it gets full, it runs over, staining your underwear. Also, if you strain during a BM, you can push it out (what — she didn't have BM for two weeks?!). But it's the idea that it would seal up and keep stuff inside

So — you should see this story for what it is — a total lie. It's impossible. Since you use the cup, you KNOW it runneth over when full. It would never operate as a plug. You also know that when you strain during a bowel movement you can push it out. You also know that YOU WOULD NOTICE IT IN YOU FOR TWO WEEKS!

The story is a total lie. It's impossible. I have used a diva/moon/whatever cup since the 90s. My first was rubber. Anyway — it's total bs. You can push one out during a bowel movement — there is no way this story is true. And no way a cup would plug someone either. If it fills up, it overflows. No — this is

Please tell me no one believes this nonsense. Please. I swear this was either written by someone who works for Tampax OR who has a deep, deep desire to get attention AND at the same time amp up fear and loathing about women's bodies. I started using a moon/diva/soft/whatever you want to call it cup in the 90s. My

This has to be a total lie. I used a cup for years — since the 90s! There is no way anyone could forget to take it out. No way. This is just an anti-dive/goddess/moon/soft/ whatever you want to call it LIE. Who could NOT know she had a diva cup in her for weeks? Heck, if you have a bowel movement and bear down

I am so glad that I am old and uncool and therefore have no idea who June Allison is. I did a little research and boy was — not liking her, shall we say. Ugh. And this person is a celebrity? Fame and fortune? OMG. For what? Is there something good about her that I missed?

I hate to one-up you, but the high school boy who tried to sexually assault my mother when she was in high school became a member of Congress. Lovely world, isn't it?

Wait a minute — they blamed the victims because they were WHITE and the rapists were Pakistani and the police were scared about being perceived as RACIST? Does anyone want to discuss this?

Ah, a fellow real-estate-porn addict. I understand. I do. I watched Black Swan to see the Upper West Side apartments. No really — I did.