Nimue Sees You

Anyone think this controversy will affect his involvement with the Batgirl movie? DC has a bad enough track record with women/feminists as is. Ugh, imagine a world where your favorite DC heroines are controlled by Snyder and Whedon...

There is no reason the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts should EVER merge. They are wholly seperate organizations with different founders and principals...for example, Boy Scouts has a long and current history of homophobia and transphobia, and generally conservative ideals, wheras Girl Scouts has been much more inclusive

Unfortunately, all of the activities and focuses are indeed chosen by troop leadership - my more active GS troop was hiking and camping constantly and I did learn how to tie knots, start a fire, and I went to several Girl Scouts sleepaway/day camps with my troop where we learned whittling, archery, horseback riding,

Account porting isn’t going well so I’m starting from scratch... Do we have to be “ungreyed” by the editor god-kings to comment visibly now like on the other Kinja sites?