
If you guys could check your ego at the door it’d be very, very simple.

Perfect example of why jalponik is most garbage automotive site on the web.

“This truck sucks because the unemployment rate is high.”

Is Jalopnik still a site for automotive enthusiasts? Am I missing something?

1. This truck is about the same size as a Ram 1500 in Length and a 2500 in Width and Height. The hood scoop isn’t that obtrusive. If you’re saying that driving a half-ton sized pickup around in a city sucks, I guess you’re right. That isn’t really a fresh-take, though. Nose visibility is poor in all trucks this sized.

2021 rule changes are going to be telling. Also, if you think there is no point, then any of the low grade teams have no point. Do you just want Mercedes, Ferrari, and Redbull on the grid?

You’ve never seen how much tooling costs, have you?

I know your point was the pun, but that's the truth. Gene likes to race. You would think that jalopnik would similarly employ someone who likes racing to write motorsports articles, but they found someone who evidently hates cars and motorsport to do the job. 

The first person that needs to go at Haas is Guenther Steiner.

A pox on the Europeans, then!

So, you want a Tacoma?

My God man, are you that daft? Are you even able to comprehend English?? The story is about American vessels which are crossing the Canadian border illegally. It’s not about Canadian vessels crossing into the U.S. Why would there be a story about Canadian vessels trying to cross their own border, to be reported by

The problem is the author presented more than just a direct quote from NPR. They provided a derogatory statement against US boaters in general without doing ANY research to validate the story. A single Google search would tell you that AIS is not required for recreational boats in the US. 

Author is unaware of the difference between a passenger ship vs. a recreational vessel, presumably on purpose because it would negate her theory that these 1%rs they are purposefully turning them off to avoid detection.

came for this. pleasure boats absolutely are NOT required to have tracking transponders.   

Thank you. Was about to post the same thing. The misinformation on this site has been terrible lately. I’ll further add that a decent percentage of recreational boats with AIS only have the receiver portion to see other traffic, not the transmitter to broadcast their AIS info. This trend started when AIS receivers

The bit about every passenger boat needing an AIS transponder is wrong.  Certain commercial vessels do.  The majority of private boats do not.  However, as costs have fallen precipitously in recent years, it is becoming more common for private operators of small boats (aka your “yachts”) to have them.  Useful for

Imagine being the cop. It must be horrifying. You start attacking cops, you aren’t protesting anymore you are just rioters that need to be dealt with. 

The police ramming these rioters don’t really bother me . There is a difference between protesters and rioters  .Protesters should be protected rioters need to be protected against . When a crowd attacks it can get real ugly real fast .

My brothers used to play with only a five iron. Leaving plenty of room in the bag for beer.