As a millenial and fellow Harley rider, I have spoken with numerous amounts of people my age about riding and Harleys. I have narrowed the majority of reasons to this (going from main reason to least)
As a millenial and fellow Harley rider, I have spoken with numerous amounts of people my age about riding and Harleys. I have narrowed the majority of reasons to this (going from main reason to least)
He was very good once in a while. Kind of good for a long time. Never great.
The part that is always going to nag at me about this is just how many women are on that list.
Toucher & Rich?
People these days. All these snowflakes go right to their mommy blogs when I correct them on facebook by telling them, “Actually, your kid seems a little ‘cunty’.” Now I’m not welcome at Thanksgiving anymore. Did I make a big deal about it when their kid had an allergic reaction at my Super Bowl party? No. I told them…
You know, I love to drink, and I like to cheer on my team with a decent buzz. I don’t understand how people can get so liquored up hours before the big game. What’s the point?
Gronk Questionable to Return
[Browns draft quarterback with first overall pick]
“Thanks a lot, Captain Obelisk.”
After his tenure with the Browns he should be forbidden by law to claim football knowledge ever again.
Sounds like you meet the criteria, though.
“Jokes on you, Robby. My wife has a nut allergy, which is why we can’t even have sex anymore.”
Anderson now facials up to a year in jail.
That’s what made Twitter weird for you?
Gaels just wanna have fun.
I somehow knew even before checking Google that this guy went to Duke.
My rule of thumb is, if you’re gonna trash talk, always do it after you do something trash talk worthy, not because you think you’re about to. And then keep it short and sweet because someone will probably come and plow your shit in if you keep jawing about it too long.
Once upon a time, Simmons really was a unique voice. He was funny and insightful and unlike anything else on ESPN or elsewhere. But he’s been lapped by people who are better, edgier, and funnier.
If Gary Bettman had his druthers, there’d be no hockey, just money and basketball, and statues of David Stern.
I think New Brunswick usually gets the label for Canada’s backwoods deep south equivalent. Winnipeg, while definitely racist as hell (see also: all of western and rural Canada), has more of the industrial-wasteland, heavily-Eastern-European, overly-friendly(-to-white-people), still-kinda-soulful vibe you get from your…