Now playing

I see the for fun mannequin challenge and raise you this serious use of the concept:

Because it was old white people, I was expecting them to use the wrong music.

5 MPH?

on the other hand, the most overated power output is any civic with a “cold” air intake and an exhaust. the “gentleman’s agreement” here is that in combination these add 50+ horsepowers

Because Canadians are lowkey racist.

Cliff notes-

Does it come with a tiny bottle of Sriracha to put in your eyes?

I had a ticket for 101 in a 70 one time, pretty decent fine plus Michigan’s lovely driver responsibility fees on top of it. Not saying I didn’t deserve the ticket, but so does this police chief.

I had to go though a lot of crap and pay hefty fines when pulled over for 93 in a 55. Patrick George spent 3 days in jail for the same. This jerk does 107 in a 45 and they laugh it off.

From my coworker Jordan Sargent:

When i was just an innocent 12 year old mormon kid, my neighbor friends asked me if i had ever masturbated before, i said no not knowing what it was.

They explained that i just needed to get some soap for lubrication and rub my dick.

What they didn’t emphasize was they were talking about liquid soap or lotion. So that

Fuck off, engineer boy. You people are barely above cretin-level when it comes to actual real-world situations, and well below it when it comes to language usage. As a German-speaker also, the term “dampen” is just fine.

Are you appropriating a cartoon for your own gains?! Huh?! That’s not cool, bro.

I read your comment under it. That doesn’t make it worthwhile to post a dumbass bum-ass fake meme as part of an actual argument you’re trying to make.

You are wrong and your opinions on controllers are also wrong.

Area Man Questions The Intelligence of Others Using Fake Einstein Quote

Just say “about three lightyears” and it will do, surely?

I know I spent a lot of this article insinuating the pointlessness of this thing but it really is a thing of beauty. The E-Class/5-Series/A6/TLX/CTS/XF/ect size bracket will forever and always be the Ideal Normal Car as far as I’m concerned.

Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.

***as an ostensibly professional writer who’s job is to understand tech objects.