
911s do not oversteer under power, that’s not the car’s problem. Less talented drivers have problems with the cars inertial shift at the end of the braking phase and get the engine to whip round under braking. Yes, driven poorly that means it’s susceptible to lift-off oversteer, but driving something poorly doesn’t

No one is going to say Franco Scaglione? Shame on you all.

Thank you. That is all.

I can't believe I had to scroll all the way down here to find this. The guy who revolutionised both BMW and Merc design and this is the respect he gets?

I was going to suggest this. The Autocar test against the E36 M3 is burned into my mind. In fact, I went to see an immaculate Riviera Blue Cup here in Gothenburg a few weeks ago, with a view to buying. The car was stunning, but the price, unfortunately, a bit too rich for me.

Maté, if you'd let on that you were going to be in Gothenburg, I know a few Jalop readers, myself included, who would have taken you out to see the town after dark. Ah well, if you end up Absoluting yourself to the hospital, yell. I'll make sure you're well taken care of.

This is, frankly, an excellent way to both sidestep the current 'debate' about the ethics of video game journalism and give a balanced, nuanced view of games after they're released. Kotaku's coverage of Destiny was the best of the lot, and felt thought out and reasoned rather than rapid and reactionary. For too long,

E92 M3. Had one until a few months ago. Loved it. But one of the ducts on the bonnet ('scuse me, 'hood') is fake, and simply there for visual symmetry. Unnecessary.

Thank you. Brought a tear to the eye.

In Britain, as well, the driver pulling out is at fault, unless it can be shown that he could not reasonably foreseen the accident (e.g. if the Lamborghini accelerated past the junction). However, since third-party insurance is a legal obligation (and upgrading to fully comprehensive would only add cover for damage to

I saw the art, and my whole body just exclaimed "Yes!". Well played, sir.

I was waiting for someone to point this out.

Did anyone else have the Italians down as being the first to go Jedi? Nope, me neither.

I've never understood the love afforded the GTA series. And I've tried; Lord, I've tried. I've bought GTAIII at least 4 times, and yet have summarily failed to get past the first 10 story missions before boredom sets in. The same applies to everything up to GTAIV. I bought this, I played it, and i put it down after a

This is huge amounts of fun. I'm still playing it, painstakingly working my way through side missions while takings smallish chunks out of the main story. It's fun in a way AC games haven't been since ACII, and occasionally moving in the way that ACIII could be (yes, I said it). But it was a refinement of a well-worn

This game was interesting, it was original, it was memorable and it was moving. But it was slight, it was mechanically flawed, it sat uncomfortably in the interface between video games and digital art, and it was, as a whole, the seed of something that could yet be great, but isn't yet. It was, perhaps, the idea of

This WAS the game of the year. In its examination of morality, reality and metaphysics all melded with pitch-perfect shooter mechanics. Yes, pitch-perfect. I'm tired of all this after-the-fact pontificating about the combat in this game, as if flying around sky-lines and tossing vigors at enemies was somehow a poor

So much this. I bought the USB one, but it didn't feel the same. Even the weird bumps on the d-pad felt good. Oh, how I miss this.

No, by a Swedish duo. Who, unlike Americans, can apparently speak English properly.

Oh Subaru, that is mojo in a blue bottle right here and you need, as a company, to make this. I would totally consider swapping my M3 if you did, no jokes.