Nimbus The Legend - Riding on air like a cloud

i disliked the guy after a few episodes of his first show

back then these festivals were headlined by up and coming artists your average hipster hadnt heard on the radio or itunes yet...

it would be tum/sta/snaped instantly

Burn all festival fashion!

Not that i follow Beyonce, but i would now for sure follow her mom before i ever consider following her!!!

trump is going to tear the republican party in half lol

great! when can we ship him over?!

Wonder how persons ego, insecurity/self confidence, and one’s own oppinion of their own attractiveness plays into this.

dialog=foreplay, maybe?

Dude, that would make for an awesome weekly article on Kotaku and Snacktaku!!! LMFAO


I want this

I want that

I want those

it probably has equal length shafts with possibly and intermediate shaft, advanced traction control, and some more magic to it.

with the aggressive styling and that bright blue, I HAVE to disagree


meh, your article doesnt help your argument,

with all the greats that played in the MJ era, i dont think you can call it weaker competition, they were much more physical back then compared to today.

moving to japan has never looked more appealing since after seeing that picture!