Nimbus The Legend - Riding on air like a cloud

waiting patiently!

so much so this!

yea, but that first team would have their asses handed to them by a jordan-less bulls team... lol

think its lucas oil


federal government...

so much so this!


you know, for once, i actually agree with you!

Oh that engine bay, this was truly the one car i HATED working on when i was a mechanic


remember the last movie though?

those are some sad numbers

hurray brexit.... LMFAO

your name earns a star in my book!

His apology can not be sincere if he is calling WSJ “mother fuckers”...


he got the nba’s first non scoring triple double...

I would have played the trick on her for a while, but eventually i would have taken the VR off, and payed attention to her lol

i think its a way of mocking the bbc, and i doubt it will continue to the next season of tGT