Go beat off to A Serbian Film, little baby tryhard
Go beat off to A Serbian Film, little baby tryhard
I’m sure grade school was a great time for you.
Sweet baby, disliking something and insulting those who do isn’t a personality either.
These people need something to bitch about, that’s why they still come here.
Wow great story bud
yOu CaNt HaNdLe ArT
It’s his shtick. He can’t get an erection so instead he spams the comments with his brain vomit and the rest of us have to suffer.
You are an utterly worthless person. Fuck off to hell, dickless.
Go choke on maple syrup
Do you think the thieves and the people complaining are the same people?
Eat a brick
No you’re just young and stupid
I’m glad the apology was absolute nonsense bc she didn’t have shit to apologize for
Wow the flopsweat in your comment is palpable
Their actions weren’t illegal so go suck a toilet
Who the fuck is us? You and your mom? Eat a brick.
Yeah but that’s just bc you’re a puss filled asshole rather than a human being.
Did you know certain things are illegal whether they cause injury or not? You can’t be this fucking stupid.
Fuck him and fuck you. Bury him under the jail before he kills someone.