Tickle Fight

LMAO sure she is, uggo

We all know your parents killed themselves rather than raise you. If only they took you with them.

LMAO short bald guys with nothing to live for do love their monkey gifs

LMAO clickbait that you take every time

The only good thing your mom created was the shit she took while birthing you.

You only think that because you’re incredibly fucking stupid. 

You’re the only braindead bitch trying to give him a pass

Nah they would’ve found a way eventually 

Then go ahead dumdum

My condolences on your brain damage

You only read it that way cuz you’re fucking stupid. 


All bastards ARE cops. Good one kid. 

LOL you believe anything the cops say

It’s not a fucking combat zone it’s a goddamn neighborhood. You are the problem. 

All your boot licking won’t save you if they decide it’s your turn. 

You don’t even have to shoot at a cop for that to happen

A SWAT raid on a car in the middle of the neighborhood. Fuck those cops. 

No one cares about your mom’s preferences 

Oh stop being jealous of the other fat guy