Tickle Fight

LMAO sure Jan

Oh no! People are enjoying themselves?? Why don’t you cry about it?

Psssst men gossip too, probably moreso than women 

LMAO there’s no journalism here

LMAO no. No y’all don’t. 

So how did you get brain damage and how long until it kills you?

You’re pathetic

Kiss a blow torch

You’re not the dumbest person alive etc etc

Suck a blow torch

You can be sympathetic to the child who was abused, whitestain 

Because thankfully casting directors don’t give a fuck about your pathetic opinion 

LOL sure

And yet you’re still here. Doesn’t say much about you. 

*dismissive wanking gesture*

That commmeter is a fucking asshole who would talk shit about their own mom if they had one. 

Eat a bucket of glass, asshole

Maybe bc that’s not evolution. 

Youre either dumb as fuck or doing a really good impression of someone who is dumb as fuck. 

LMAO you dummies don’t believe in science