Why should anyone give a shit?
Why should anyone give a shit?
Eat a dick and die
Your mom must’ve taken Plan D for dumbshit
There are all sorts of reasons that are none of your business
Absofuckinglutely not the same. That’s not intolerance that’s asking for religious people to leave us the fuck alone.
You don’t know what it is cuz you weren’t there.
Then stop clicking on articles about her, butthead. You’re feeding the machine.
Jesus fucking Christ you people are a joke
No men never ever write songs about breakups or underage girls they want to fuck.
The only thing you should stick yours in is a wall socket.
Nah she doesn’t have to. You could stop reading about her though.
Yeah scripts never change. Wtf are rewrites?
Someone’s a parrot
You. Just you.
This episode made you think it’s ok to boil someone down to one feature. This is a you problem, bb.
Oh wow oh man you like boobs? That’s so original and we’re all better off for knowing it.
Dull witted men can only think about themselves
Of course you think this bc you’re only bothering to think about it thru your severely narrow male point of view. Like most men you’re pathetic.
Maybe now you can finally get an erection