Hello there the first Mrs Waititi!
Fanny packs have more use than you ever will.
You’re just getting slammed left and right today.
So buttons nerd
Now you’re just repeating things your mom has told you to get you out of her basement
Yes those are words.
Holy shit, you managed to out-stupid the stupid trolls.
Ew straight people
Oh knock it off with the Chicken Little bullshit.
It’s like now that Rock Hard is dead you’re trying to outdo him with idiotic assholery.
It’s ok, it’s just because you’re a fucking moron.
Because of racist pinheads like you. Now go pull the trigger.
Because white people. You dumb little dickhead.
Like you give a fuck
Sometimes trolls do the world a favor and pull their own plug.
You seem like the type of dork who quotes Kanye.
More than you ever will in your tiny life.
No one liked the same comment on Gizmodo and no one likes it here. Loser.
I’m just gonna assume your dumb ass died from eating turkey bones on Thanksgiving bc a liberal told you not to.