Tickle Fight

You can just not watch their shit and let people enjoy things. Jesus Christ what a screed. 

Goddamn you Nazis are some whiny bitches. ThE pRoGrEsSiVe LeFt WaS mEaN tO wHiTe PeOpLe! You dickless fucks have always been Nazis. No one forced you into it. Take some responsibility for youselves, you fucking losers.

Too bad you weren’t there :(

If you’re getting paid for something it is a REAL job. Sorry you hate your job. 

Oh thank god we were all holding our breath.

What you’re doing right now is called caring, Murray. You care enough about this to tell us all how much you don’t care.

You come across as a first year atheist so settle down. 

Have you dorks moved on from George Soros?

No it’s trashy behavior by a trashy politician. Stop being trashy. 

Car people are some of the biggest bitches you will ever find. 

If we could legislate out stupidity your entire bloodline wouldn’t exist.

Yes, speeding and drugs were both the problem. 

Look at you. So proud of being a dumb asshole. 

Nah it’s the giant trucks that make you believe someday your penis will work. 

And with her nephew in the car. Scumbags.

“I’m okay with getting fucked over by my employer” 

Eat bees

None of them are even fake gold. 

Yeah it’s called getting old. Pop culture won’t cater to you forever. 

You’re on the internet, shitlick. Do your own homework.