Look at you and your pants-pissing tantrum over a musician. Pathetic.
Look at you and your pants-pissing tantrum over a musician. Pathetic.
Just die already.
Shut up and let a motherfucker have an opinion
Somewhere in the middle, dumbass.
Eat curb, dickless
Shut up stupid
shut up stupid
Eat a brick. You don’t care about either case.
Then fuck off out of here.
What’s the point of this comment?
The commenters on this pop culture website really seem to hate the people that make their pop culture. Any expression of human emotion is met with mockery and cruelty bc they think every working actor is a millionaire so how dare they complain.
You’re certainly not the only person dumb and cruel enough to believe society has no relation to mental health.
Friends don’t judge friends over something as ridiculous as coffee.
I’d say you must be fun at parties but no one would ever invite you.
Most humans are spoiled brats. You just hear about it more from celebrities.
Wrong. Shut the fuck up.
It’s called Google you old fuck. No one is impressed.
Suck on a shotgun
Eat broken glass.