
Does he? I propose we test the theory by starving him.

He’s a hungry stapler.

Eh, I’m going to push back a little here. We all have some thoughts running through our heads that we wouldn’t say out loud. Thoughts we’d be mortified if we said out loud. Losing inhibitions sometimes results in those thoughts spilling out of our mouths. If that’s the standard for assholes, then we are all

It’s bad, and so is the record.

Parental or guardian consent is required for patients 16 and 17 years of age. This is mandated by the state of California and a standard of care for gender affirming hormone therapy. Both parents, if applicable, will be required to sign consent forms and appear in person at the initial patient visit with their teen.

“My relative seems to believes that if an 8 year old says “I think I am a different gender” then they can walk into some magic clinic the same day they decide that and just get all the surgery they need to transition.”

Hi: I’ll respond to that last paragraph.

willy wonka, of course, is most famous for taking a successor. 

The shark is a metaphor for wokeness.

Man, playing that gay character in Poseidon really screwed that guy up.

That’s a lot of words to just mean “dickhead.”

No wonder Robert Shaw hated him. He knew what was up back in 1974! 

This just in: Old white man spouts right wing talking points. Up next: Water found to be wet.

I mean, dude BEEN a prick for decades now. 

i sat in on a fantasy baseball draft once and it was, by far, the nerdiest thing i’ve ever seen. it was incredibly eye-opening.

The Batman Forever soundtrack is excellent as well, and much better than the source material.

So, I’m gonna assume this is like most other miniseries these days: a 90 minutes-long movie’s-worth of content that spins its wheels for four hours in the middle, before finally making some progress and ending in the last half-hour.

“When Pandora opens the box, all the virtues of the world just come rushing out. I mean, what are we, to believe this is some, ha-ha, magic box?”

Arguably the whole reason RPGs were created was to create some sort of rules to answer questions like these, as RPGs are basically just formalized versions of those ad-hoc playground games.

Wolverine and Deadpool is probably going to make bank regardless of how people feel about the MCU. It was moved from Memorial Day Weekend to July because of the strikes, which are a factor.