Exactly, if they can do the job who cares who their parents were. Jack Quaid is a talented actor and has the charisma, Wyatt Russel is great, Bryce Dallas Howard can act and direct, Sophia Coppola because a great director(just don’t let her act).
Exactly, if they can do the job who cares who their parents were. Jack Quaid is a talented actor and has the charisma, Wyatt Russel is great, Bryce Dallas Howard can act and direct, Sophia Coppola because a great director(just don’t let her act).
He is great on Lower Decks. Lower decks, in general, is a lot of fun and a surprise. People shit on Discovery(unfairly imho) and Picard(fairly there, especially season 2) but they ignored both Lower Decks and Prodigy and both of those are solid additions to the Star Trek Cannon. Season 2 of Prodigy even has a line…
My nieces are super fans so I am reminded it exists and is still on any time we need to find them a birthday gift
Yeah, I recall the one where they all get stretchy powers leads to Sue being disgusted by them and marrying Ben, Reed burying himself in his science depressed and Johnny becoming a celebrity magician
At least its not Stranger Things. By the time Season 5 some of the older “teenagers” on the show are going to be over 30
Pro-tip: Check if you get a deal through your cell phone carrier. T-mobile gives you Apple+ for free, as well as the lower end Netflix plan for free. They also occasional throw out deals for other streaming services for a free year. I assume the other big carriers may do this as well
Nah the sequel would be inspired by the works of Vonnegut and be called “We live unstuck from time”
Yeah it feels more like a way to get attention. I think she is hoping people come out for her and tell her how great she is, but I wonder how much of a monster she really was back stage.
Sadly in the US, the current market trend is to keep working at 66 if you are healthy enough to do it. With pensions pretty much no longer being a thing for most people and the last few years really fucking over 401Ks, the later baby boomers just can’t afford to stop working in their mid 60s, if they expect to live…
At least I can’t see his granny panties through his transparent “dress”
You seem to be more on board with post Endgame then I am. What I found most of the movies post Thanos was that most of them were just fine. I have not felt the need to rewatch any of them. There were a few I actively disliked, like Ant-Man 3, but most were fun in the moment but I have not thought about them much since…
I completely agree with you. When I read What If as a kid my favorite part was that they were stand alone stories that anything could happen in. Among my friend group we use to call the comic “What if Spider-man died..again?” because in that run I collected(which is Vol 2 technically) it seemed like every time…
According to stupid Tik Tok trends only men think about Rome and we do it all the time.
What If? Was a huge disappointment to me. It was one of my favorite comic series as a kid but the show just didn’t deliver like the comic did. I also found the animation style to be off putting.
Also anti-parasite horse medicine
I find some of his guests funny. Not “haha” funny but “How can anyone this stupid actually exist” funny.
So what’s you opinion on how different races drive cars?
The end of the last Puss and Boots movie implied this was coming. I doubt it will be as surprisingly good as the Last Wish was though
Exactly, get preapproved through your bank or credit union before you start shopping. Most of the time the dealership is not going to beat a legit bank or CU loan. Usually only the rare time for new cars they offer 0% financing, which I am not even sure is a thing anymore
Jupiter’s Cock!