
This! This pisses me off so much. My game NEVER records the last 15 minutes of gameplay unless I force it to. I've called Sony, I've written in their forums, I've tried multiple fixes. Nothing will make the system autorecord the last 15 minute of gameplay unless I manually set it.

Grew up in a non-religious household and never was my thing but the Left Behind series was some great fantasy reading. I really liked the series.

My dad was very much into the South Pacific and Hawaiian vibe in 1981. He was a big stoner, skateboarder, surfer in SoCal back in the 70's and so when it came time to name me his choice was Alamawanakia (which sounds even more ridiculous with my last name). Fortunately my mom won out with our Irish/Scottish heritage

Yeah... this movie... It wasn't great. The whole airplane scene was completely pointless filler in a movie that was already long and was so contrived (OMG we missed each other by mere secondz!! ZOMGOMGOMGZOMG). I am a person that looks for ways to NOT spoil the immersion in a movie but there were just too many stupid

Where the hell is the YouTube sharing? It's obvious they recognize the relevance of YouTube based simply on the fact that THIS VIDEO ADVERTISING THEIR SHARE FACTORY IS ON YOUTUBE! I could care less about video sharing to Facebook. *sigh*

[Screw you formatting]

The point at which I knew I despised this show and hoped for it to never return; "That woman is what she says she is like a Mexican hates fireworks."

THIS is the type of combat I've been wanting in an MMO! I keep telling people that I want something a bit more user skill based/action oriented rather than mashing hotkeys over and over and over and over. If I had a GoW/DMC combat style MMO I'd be in heaven. Some folks recommended TERA to me but it wasn't even close

Friggin Rose & Camillia... It ALWAYS cracks me up.

Now playing

While not officially Final Fantasy, the SaGa 2 soundtrack composed by Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy Legend 2) for the GameBoy is excellent. It's about the only MIDI music I've ever chosen to listen to:

I always thought Dylan McDermott should play Joel:

This is depressing... I guess I need to move to Vermont.

Thank you! :)

Having never heard of any "PM" scale before this article... how bad is 2.5? Are higher numbers worse? Lower? I mean.. I googled but I have nothing to reference this with...

Ridge Racer [Playstation 1]

I always summarize this as "A fiction novel, about a piece of fiction(?) about a documentary about a house that's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside."

House of Leaves - A fiction novel, about a piece of fiction(?) about a documentary about a house that's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.

I work for Microsoft through a vendor (contract employee's tend to outnumber actual employees of MS) which has notoriously bad labor practices. I receive no vacation time, comp time, sick time, insurance (well I do but it costs $350 a month to use it). No perks, or discounts, and I recently found out I'm making $10