
I never buy used and have only once traded in a few games. I've never experienced wanting to buy a game after it has been discontinued because I research almost every game and buy them immediately as they are released or get a digital copy later.

I think I just hate the idea of getting a product that's scratched (even

The only way to make Diablo 3 be awesome is to not make it Diablo 3. It's old and tired, not that pretty, and while the first was an innovator D3 is just boring as shit.

Are we going to be seeing logs 2-4 coming out for this?

I hate the draw weapon mechanic, the restrictive camera, and slow button response. Autolock isn't really a big deal either way. Just boils down to personal preference.

If we are talking purely about controls I hate the way MH's worked. Demon's/Dark Souls has a similar feel such as weighted weapons, timing dodges, extended animations that force you to plan any moves/button presses in advance but for Demon's/Dark Souls it just works/feels better.

Completely and totally agree with every bit of this statement. I REALLY want to like the series and then I'll pick it up for about 20 minutes, realize I've spent a third of that time in loading screens and the rest of the time wrestling with the shitty controls before putting the game down for another year.

Forget Jiro Dreams of Sushi.... Saban Dreams of Football

I was really looking forward to this but the beta was just not fun for me after about 3 rounds. Slow controls and moon-like gravity were the things I DIDN'T enjoy about SSBB.. yet that seems to be 2 things they really focused on keeping. *sigh*

Catherine is a great game...:P