
hilarious, State Department's grabbed pussy caused the delete of the congrats tweet.

26 years of forcing the shah on Iran after Mossadegh was enough, Carter couldn't stop the revolution .

Because they want all the land, even private palestinian land.


It usually annoys the hell out of me but this time it was for Quinn I didn't mind it that much.

Power couple of the CIA could be an interesting direction for the final seasons, instead of any random man from US to middle east to Europe being unable to resist Carrie.

He's always been talented but in 80s and early 90s he was just oozing sex appeal and his voice is quite sexy.

best Putin sketch so far.

William Hurt was super hot in The Big Chil.

check tha date of the comment genius!

Jeremy EWWW! I was hoping we got rid of him.

I think Kaling's mentioned Mr. Big and Danny in a few interviews & I agree with you.

me too, everybody's like Jody doesn't have chemistry, the same that blinded her to his flaws. I'm really into Mindy/Jody's chemistry, she doesn't think he's better than her and let him walk all over her. I loved the Colette scene too. Dillahunt's really killing it. he's such a versatile actor, hilarious and sincere as

💯 If Danny is Mindy's Mr. Big i just want it to happen in the series finale.

OK she was going to shoot the stranger in her house not Jody, upset about the staircase yes but not enough to not follow him & see the surprise. I don't see his gesture like you. the the original closet idea in her apartment was cute, for her big colorful wardrobe that he likes.

he wanted to unscrew it off the ceiling first Morgan ripped a hole in the wall.

she didn't look mad when she found him there. he didn't intend to throw it out going in, the original plan changed and he adjusted in his own over the top way.

he's not a rival for Danny, the house is super rich Jody's version of jewelry or some other small gift.

the house was just Jody's way of showing he cares.

I love Jody & Collete, great episodes.👍