Nilla Waffler

I don't know, the senator may be kind of a goofball and there was really no need to bring weight or secretaries into it at all BUT: it's well-established that post-divorce women's standard of living declines whereas men's rises. So doesn't it make sense that women would be disproportionately in need of this type of

Aww, thanks Deadly!

Sure those kids are probably all selfish jerks but hey, look on the bright side: the girl with cancer probably is too so it all evens out.

Yeah, I think that's fair.

Let's give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it's faux sheepskin.

Both so alluringly tortured! Both so achingly underachieving!

Tim Riggins is to this decade what Jordan Catalano was to the 90s.

Nighy's got a certain sexy twinkle.

Yay, thank you for printing a story about a therapist who acted appropriately for once.

That is one of those classic non-apology apologies.

Honestly I think women are just as prone to eroticize the feeling of being known. It just seems more likely to come about in different contexts.

It's probably a real relief to rock out with some kids considering everything else he has to deal with on a daily basis.

I didn't care about this scandal at all until the thought crossed my mind that I sure would like to read those emails.

Damn straight. That shit is big.

He is a narcissistic, he has a grossly over-inflated sense of self-worth. And he is so absorbed with himself he is not very perceptive of the world around him or sensitive to other people. So he thinks that if people don't appreciate him, well, that's their problem for being stupid.

Human behavior affects the environment? Now I've heard everything. Do you know how big the ocean is? You could probably dump like a million billion pounds of garbage in there and it would just sink to the bottom where we'd never ever have to see it again. Sheesh, read a book.

Oh, I thought you were talking about the SoCal ones.

Yeah, the Queen Charlotte Islands one, right? All the better to relieve a little pressure on the rest of us as long as there wasn't any damage.

My son claims to have felt it but only after I told him there actually was one. When I googled I learned there had supposedly been two, both 3.9'ers, one Saturday night and one Sunday morning. Again, I didn't feel a thing.

Did you feel it? I missed it altogether.