
Yeah, I don’t have all that ruckus at my home. It’s quite. I like that. And, no, I will not call the police for trivial stuff. I’ve had quite enough of cops shitty attitudes and the less I have to do with those MFer’s the better.

You know I know. My mother and I have a strained relationship when it comes to politics. I refrain from talking to her about politics. It’s better that way.

I’m torn. I’ve been traveling for the last six years. The first gig was every week for four months across country. Then different contracts until I got the regular through another seven months on the road. Now I’m down to once a month and considering another change. Life is a journey. Enjoy. And, get to the airport

Love thy enemy. *looks at PJ sideways, turns, and walks away.*

What’s the advantage? I’m still not feelin’ Kumanji.

Who are you? lol

Yeah, ehem, remember that piece you wrote about being on Kayne Island? I told you I sailed right on by. Now you know. We live in a country with many mentally unbalanced people, regardless of skin tone.

I’m way late, but you know this is my hometown right? My sister and I ate at that particular Waffle House when I was back home last December. Heading back in May as well.

Candy is my choice, but I have done the slide to other songs. I don’t remember when or where I picked it up, but you know, BBQ’s in da South. I do remember taking the Girl Scouts to Joe’s Crab Shack. A song came on and the next thing I’m dancing the slide with the servers. My co-leader was amused with my foot work

I. am. crying! Yeah, his ass deserved it.
Glad to know you ain’t lost that spunk, Daymoan. LOL

lol... making just hanging out all complicated and shit. I like to look at the ‘other’ side of the incident as a definite positive; the white folks that were there spoke up and TESTIFIED without hesitation.

You would probably think ‘she is dumb as shit to be in IT for so long’. lol Many moons ago, I set up a password protected spread sheet. I keep a log of websites I have visited over the years, passwords, and other info. Most websites that are not transactional in nature, I use a generic password because I just don’t

Try counting backwards from a high, odd number when you have one. It really, really helps.

My daughter had a panic attack one morning just before I left for work. Scared me because I had no idea why she was screaming and crying sitting her bed! She kept saying she couldn’t breathe. I thought she might be hyperventilating. I could not have found a paper bag if I tried!
Instead, I asked her to close her eyes

He was up there for over a year, I believe I read. Maybe Zombie’s are possible. Just a thought... lol

I think I am offended.

Who PJ? I know PJ’s name.You would be surprised the info I have on PJ. :) lol How are you Sweet GA? Miss all y’all.

I missed the interview, but heard the DJ’s on morning radio talking about it and they had a few excerpts. Lissen, I had no doubt OJ murdered them both. None. It is proven that ‘society’ treats white women that cross racial barriers with disdain and vengeance. The verdict’s message in a nut shell was that ‘white women

I never knew his real name. Guess I never really thought about it.
Man, throughout my life I have been plagued with nicknames, and y’all Black folks are the worst about giving me them names! LOL Not really. My entire family is peppered with nicknames: Bubba, Dinkie, Squeeky and so on. The majority of my friends have

Being a Southerner for 35 years before I moved West, I am sorry, Panama, you are not a ‘true’ Southerner. I can identify with your high school years being when you ‘grew up’, but the people in my high school I had known since the fourth grade. You don’t even sound Southern man, which is not a bad thing. You get extra