
You should have said hello with a knee to the groin. Maybe he would have understood then. ;) lol

So, KB, where do gentlemen (and I use that term loosely) find good women to hit upon that do not do bars? As a rule, I don’t do work place relationships. I’ve heard the grocery store is a good place to run into men specifically the fresh fruit section while picking out melons. ;) lol

LMAO... hand signals okay with you then? LOL

Somehow I feel you just made the case for Pence and his Taliban ideology to prevail. :\

Lawd, PJ, you made me cry. I feel your pain, man. I walk beside you in another dimension. 

You’re reaching, dear. *wags finger, no*

I passed on what the law states in NV. I am not a lawyer or judge who interprets its meaning. Dylan Roof is a terrorist by this statute in NV. I do not know if NC has such a law. But, it is agreed that, yes, he is a terrorist.

Key word: substantial. Fecal matter does not have the same contamination level of say Ricin.

Exactly why I do not attend such events. Combine idiocy with alcohol and something is going to pop off.

No mental health problem. Lot’s of people suffer from mental health issues, few collect 23 weapons in a hotel room and another 19 at their home. Few set up a sniper position over a massive crowd.

I’m gonna pretend y’all still read the comments ... just for fun.

Congratulations on what appears to be an amicable divorce. It’s much harder when one stays on the fence and wants revenge. I ‘announced’ my divorce on a case-by-case basis. Heck, I don’t think I even told many family members because I have the privileged of having a ‘mouth of the South’ family member. She ain’t one to


2400mg?! Dude, 800 mg is prescription strength and prescribed every 8 hours! Are you sure she’s a real doc? Damn!

Speak for ya self! Parts of me is old. The rest... spring chicken! :P


KB, ibuprofen has it’s own bad affects on the liver, stomach, intestines, and circulatory system as well. But, Advil is my friend for pain. Tylenol never touched my pain, so I made the switch a long time ago.

I’m going to be inappropriate here PJ... hahahahahaha.... okay, I think I’m good. Nah, hahahaha, okay, I’ve got it out of my system. Whew. Welcome to the club, bruh. LOL

Will you stop putting my business out there on the streets?! Damn, Damon. ;)

PJ, if y’all don’t get off your butts and follow me you’re going to lose me forever. FOREVERRRRRRRRRR... that’s a mighty long time, bruh. IJS