
I thought I was the only one who noticed this. I re-watched the scene and someone definitely does rise up from the back seat at the end of the scene.

The thing is, Jimmy realized Chuck doesn't play fair. Chuck uses the legal system and his reputation to get what he wants. Be it putting Kim in doc review, keeping Jimmy in the HHM mail-room or strong-arming a potential client, Chuck has shown that he will use his far reaching legal power to one up his brother. Mesa

I don't why everyone thinks this…
I believe it will be Maggie to go. She's pregnant. That's a sure way to make the audience absolutely hate the upcoming villain and to finally knock some god damn sense into Glenn's saviour-complex

I think that's an exagerration on the part of the Chinese internet or whoever picked up on the original article … Just watched the movie in 4D yesterday here in Beijing. The title is 银河护卫队 which literally translates into Guardian Team of the Galaxy…
not as awesome as Interplanetary Unusual Attacking Team though …

Puh puh puh ……dont forget the puh puh puh ….
(Yeah, whatever mr. Timberlake)