
LOL Yo Kyle, why are you being such a Nazi? I understand you published this article, but chill out. No need to be a douche and ban people. which I’ll probably be banned to based on how sensitive you are to people’s opinions. Let that guy speak his mind, you make us asians look so anal

I’m confused by this response. Do you think the fight is more insane than the gun pointing, or vice versa?

+1 set of soiled underoos

Kyle, his agent got him money in 2014 and he ain’t played since 2010... might not be GOAT, but that’s kinda epic. I need that agent in my life.

JaVale, Andray Blatche and then-rookie Swaggy P were also on that squad.

Shame. Gilbert was and is a loon, but we’ve (Blackfolk from that era) always knew Gilbert was never “about THAT LIFE”—he’s the smartass jerk who’s talented enough to get away with it. The guy who, if it wasnt for basketball, would be a lawyer on The Good Wife or a doctor in a Shonda Rhimes series who bangs half the

The Wikipedia description of the on-court incident (from Arenas’ page) is particularly great:

But it’s still weird that we don’t have this sort of account from everyone on site that day—the trainers, the assistant coaches, every last jamoke hustling his ass out that door.

The real shocker is Arenas not getting a shot off.