Unsophisticated Sophist

I have an Indian friend named Anita. I also know some Korean-Americans named Christine, Kimberly, and Larry. What would make their names more “appropriate?”

It’s funny how the left will come up with a benefit for the few who need it, disability, welfare, healthcare, and the right will quickly say, “What about people who would take advantage of the system?!?”, while, conversely, the right will come up with a benefit for the few who want it, CCPs, silencers, tax breaks, and

If you are human and possess X/Y-Chromosome pairs, you are male regardless of any surgery, drug-therapy, makeup, attire, personal belief/feeling -OR- politics. It’s simply SCIENCE!!

Someone’s still salty about losing the War of Northern Aggression.

Look, I’m as liberal as anybody, but part of the reason so many of the poorer white people voted against their own self interests is because we liberals have called them stupid for so long. If anyone did that to us we would eventually vote against anything those people stood for just to shut them up. Resentment makes

We need a new William Tecumsah Sherman.

Pictured: California 5 years into the water crisis that would ensue if these dumb fucks actually got their way:

What makes you a woman or a man? If it’s not genetics, or the way society treats you, is it a gut feeling that it’s what you are? When you look at people like Kaitlynn Jenner (not the representative of all trans women) who speak about make up and high heels as being the essence of woman hood, it makes me wonder if

^THIS. I eat with a couple of people from my companies legal team, and this is all they could talk about today. All this court ruling did for racism was create reasons for people to get out of consequences based on how good their lawyer is on appeal. “Your honor, the black members of the jury showed clear racial bias

Yes, but that is not the only can of worms that it opens. With Trump poised to make at least two Supreme Court nominees it gets REALLY bad. Next after this is “what constitutes racial bias in a jury deliberation,” and if Trump gets his way with his nominees it is entirely possible that comments w/o racist thinking can

But the dome will be made out of American* steel!

(Ugh, I hate that I am about to defend Rand Paul) At least someone within the GOP is putting some pressure on them to come up with a plan? I mean, they bitched about Obamacare for nearly a decade, apparently without bothering to even got down some bullet points on a napkin for what they would do. I dont want

“You like your culture when it suits you lmaooo”

“You like your culture when it suits you lmaooo.”

Kellyanne is NOT FLOTUS. A better comparison would be Valerie Jarrett or, I dunno, Rahm Emmanuel.

He had excellent lawyers who got him off on the most serious charge and he should be meditating on his profound luck instead of trying it. Classic.

Ineffective assistance of counsel has a high bar to it. The represented has to show that the deficiencies in counsel’s performance were so severe s/he wasn’t functioning as the counsel guaranteed by the 6th amendment, and this deprived the represented of a fair trial.

Hang on, I need to lay down before my rage stroke incapacitates me.

Apparently the $100K+ defense Labrie got that tore this child apart on the stand and got her rapist off with barely a slap on the wrist? In large part funded by alumni and donors to the school.