
I enjoyed the radio in this game quite a bit, especially the Morro Rock Radio station where Mike Pondsmith got to rant a bit about in-universe conspiracy theories.

I have some opinions and thoughts on these romances. For starters, I do lament slightly that there are only a few and that they are limited by gendered voice. But those that are there are interesting and well-developed.

You encounter her in the prologue, but you don’t get the option to hook up with her until much, much later (in-game weeks) when she calls you up. Also, calling it “romance” is kind of a stretch. She’s uh all business in general.

I have a few thoughts on one of these. If someone wants to dive head first into just the main story, I think that’s a pretty fun way to play the game. If you completely ignore side quests, it will cut you off from multiple endings, however. Without spoiling, there are at least two very important quests with Johnny and

As a fan of Witcher 3 and 2077 (with a laundry list of caveats), I’m mostly happy to hear this news. I want to get back to good ol fashionied Witcher work and see what else the merc life in Night City has to offer. What I don’t want is a company that makes some of my favorite big single-player RPGs turning into just

I mostly agree, but I think there’s room for some nuance. Someone saying, “there were no problems at launch, you people were lying” is clearly something laughable. However, I do understand a similar sentiment of “a lot of people are finding things to like about this game now that have always been there.”

As someone who’s actually played the game I don’t quite agree. No offense intended here, I get that you’re giving an impression based on watching things, but that’s a pretty massive caveat to see at the top of a comment section on a video game site.

It’s truly hard for me to imagine looking at a world full of busy people going about their lives and think that something’s wrong with them because they’re not paying more attention to me.

The anime most definitely works as a standalone story. It’s mostly in the world-building that it’s related to the game.

Damn, I loved the hell out of this show.

Pretty happy to see that the latest patch adds transmog. I know it’s a first person game, but still.

In a Reddit AMA from four years ago, Colantonio said he would’ve named it “Typhon.” Internally, the game was called “Project Danielle” while Arkane was working on it.

Any employees confirm this is true or do we just take the boss’s word?

I’m looking forward to this game because nobody else is making these kinds of RPGs that pull off a great balance of making me feel like every unique character I create is “valid” while also giving me a world (or worlds) to explore and interact with and a story (or stories) to participate in. I didn’t like FO4 as much

I enjoyed how the Voodoo Boys were built up so much and were spectacularly powerful, but a legitimate way of looking at them could be “useful idiots for the incomprehensibly terrible rogue AIs.”

and salt the earth where it fell so that nothing may grow again

No woman is ever going to be the “perfect victim” and there are seemingly countless people online who want to hold Heard to some asinine standard. She’s an abuse survivor and Depp sounds like a nightmare.

Mentioning that a UK judge ruled that Depp assaulted Heard on a dozen occasions and put her life in jeopardy at least three of those times just isn’t worth Jezebel’s time, it seems. For the love of god, please remember that sometimes imperfect women are victims of domestic violence and still deserve support.

Seconded. And very replayable, IMO. 

Terrible. It’s terrible that hate-filled trash are out there feeling empowered and comfortable attacking trans and queer people or clutching their pearls over protecting “family friendly content.” As if LGBTQ+ very lives aren’t family friendly. It’s despicable.