
especially after decades of taunting over infertility

It seems that this woman and her doctor did the due diligence to ensure a healthy pregnancy was possible. As someone who has experienced infertility for the past 3 year (currently pregnant after fertility treatment- wish me luck!), this is a deeply personal issue and everyone deserves the chance to decide for

May the parents live to be unusually athletic centenarians, so they may care for this baby. That’s all I’ve got.

Not a fan of folks weighing in on the birth by complaining it sets a bad example for society, it has icky overtones of “the proper role and place of women” to it. If it’s so important that births not happen over the age of 60, then make an age limit for Viagra prescriptions as well.

I think it's clear that the writer was writing with effort to make it hilarious - I like that we can acknowledge that, and also that survivors are more than one thing. Mad and sad. Traumatized and excellent cooks. Assaulted and totally funny.

I can’t say that I thought hilarious was a great word choice.

I feel so bad for Patten Oswalt. Death is hard especially when it blindsides you.

People 👏 who 👏 dismiss 👏 all 👏 millennials 👏 as 👏 a 👏 group 👏 aren’t 👏 actually 👏 contributing 👏 anything.

In the mid 80s a college professor told me a (possibly apocryphal) story about a male student who wrote an essay arguing that women were inherently less rigorous writers- using George Eliot’s work as an example of the epitome of said rigorous male writing that no woman could match.

Wait, someone who is a famous proponent of replacing journalism with narcissistic navel-gazing is a shitty sexist? Gosh I for one am shocked.

Boom. Body wash, shampoo, AND conditioner. Who says you can’t have it all?

I mostly imagine this post was for his friends. “Hey, lady friends. If you need ‘em, I got ‘em.” He’s not really expecting to have tampons ready for strangers. But he’s also telling his guy friends they should at the minimum have a few extras in their own bathrooms.

I’m pretty confident this is a gay guy.

Even if it is just a way for him to interact with the ladies, I’ll take “guy who isn’t creeped out by my period and packs heat in his fanny pack” over “guy who tells me I’m hot” EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK!!!

I think this sounds odd because we’re used to guys not giving AF about anyone. I’ve walked around with kleenex, tampons, a small first aid and sewing kit since I was a teen and no one has ever found it weird.

there is a valid feeling about bisexual folks and trans people (and an enduring presence of maleness in all spheres of life) “taking away” spaces.

I dispute that it’s a “valid” feeling. It’s valid only if you start from the definitional premise that trans women aren’t women. A prejudiced premise to begin with. Otherwise, there’s no loss, no “sharing,” in having “women’s spaces” open to all women. Even apart from the fact that trans women have been in “women’s

I enjoyed the heck out of all 24 hours of it, to be honest.

This is a very gentle, amusing hoax that hurt no one and I congratulate them both.