Don’t go look at the Kotaku comments. It’s disappointing how many there are of “What, so men aren’t allowed to like women?” or “So it’s the woman’s fault for taking a job?” or “Just get some male dancers and it’s totally fine, right?”
Don’t go look at the Kotaku comments. It’s disappointing how many there are of “What, so men aren’t allowed to like women?” or “So it’s the woman’s fault for taking a job?” or “Just get some male dancers and it’s totally fine, right?”
I know men who would have been uncomfortable at this event too, honestly.
Look Microsoft, having a “women in gaming” lunch is great! But you can’t use that as a sheild when you then make women incredibly uncomfortable in the spaces where a lot of networking connections are going to get made.
Actually, i really want to know what he was doing/did. I really do have my doubts he did nothing but he probably was freaking out. Kind of sucks that he was painted as if he just ran away when i’ll bet he didn’t.
OMG THATS SO FUNNY. I feel like that is something I’ve seen so many dudes do. Thats why I assumed that’s what was happening. Like it’s ok to freak out, but don’t then take credit for everyone else taking care of shit!
I had a friend like this. We had this emergency, and my other friends and I are calmly assessing and getting things fixed and figuring out what to do. He’s screaming, “Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!”
They call women the weaker sex, but honestly, what is that based on? Women can multitask and keep their shit together during tough times. When a man panics he’s useless. Completely useless.
In case you missed it the first time, Tracie’s piece on the rise and fall of Lisa Frank was one of the most interesting things I’ve ever read on Jezebel. It’s long but totally worth it.
Yeah, ok.
Serious students pursuing degrees in hard sciences have to study in locked rooms so that BLM people will not barge in and scream at them.
I’m curious whether the students would agree with the fairly rosy picture the presidents seem to be painting.
I hope there is a chapter devoted to L. Ron Hubbard’s scary teeth.
Also, Going Clear was a book that was made into a documentary and it is about 80 different kinds of fucked up and should be read by all.
Wrong. Humorous, but wrong.
If the Senate wants to filibuster a vote, fine, that’s a tactic that they can use if they feel it’s necessary. What’s not okay is not even holding hearings. The Senate should hold hearings with Judge Garland, and can then decide from there whether to vote no and/or filibuster him. That’s the scenario that you’re…
She didn’t “misspeak.” She bizarrely rewrote actual events. So she is either egregiously misinformed (hard to believe) or she actually forgot about a major and oft-reported on aspect of recent American history. Or she’s politically pandering (but I don’t actually believe that).
Honest question—as a member of the gay community, why in the world would you support Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders?
Good for her apologizing, but she keeps reverting to form, with conservative/conservadem takes on everything. Look at how she tried to blame both sides for the Trump rally protest in Chicago. Does she not realize how this man has been inciting violence and how protesters have been attacked at his rallies for months?…
Right... people only criticize her because of Republican talking points. Not because of, say, her close connections to Wall St., past support of devastating free trade, willingness to play fast and loose with the historical record, participation in a military coup against a left wing democracy, and general…