It speaks to how deeply racist his environment must be that he felt that was normal enough to voice
It speaks to how deeply racist his environment must be that he felt that was normal enough to voice
I’ve stopped hanging out with men who I’d learned were rapists, one was just accused and it seemed likely, the other was from his past, he was 17 and was actually convicted. I think it says something about the type of person you are, if you’ve actually raped someone.
no society that I can think of has ever benefited from racism compared to the alternative. Not only is there no moral benefit, but there is no economic benefit.
These are the same people who consistently conflate “calling out racism” with “being racist against white people.”
Our country has moved so far to the right that people who openly call themselves “conservatives” are basically authoritarians. It isn’t about consistency in the law, it’s about using your power to silence people you don’t like.
Remember, calling a white person racist (even if everything they do is racist) is the worst speech offense you can commit. Donald Trump can call Mexicans rapists, he can tell people that only Jews should count money, he can be sued for racial discrimination against black people, and he’ll still be elected president.
Not calling him a republican is far too kind to the party who nominated him for president and got in line behind him. His worst policies are still Republican policies. He mostly just adds a new level of clumsiness to the racism and Islamophobia. Don’t let Republicans off the Trump titanic by giving him the independent…
The thing is he actually is an independent, in the sense that he’s an egotistical opportunist that will take whatever position is most convenient at the time. He used to be a registered Democrat for crap’s sake. I agree calling him an independent is normalizing him, but calling him a Republican did that too. Calling…
But see that’s what Tesla figured out. If you need a chicken and an egg, it doesn’t make sense to build one and hope someone builds the other. You need to build them both.
stop moving the goalposts. this is a “true” solution. It’s not the most elegant implementation, but we’re also at the very beginning of the electric car age.
Someone will inevitably point out that “Superchargers aren’t a big deal. Toyota or GM could build a better charger network in just a few months.” But they fucking aren’t, Tesla is and they’re doing it right now. Some people wonder why the Bolt isn’t selling well, and why people are willing to wait another 18 months…
Once every other carmaker realizes that they need an actual charging infrastructure, especially in cities, maybe they’ll start to sell electric cars in big numbers, too.
I think the point is that when someone makes an argument that their own ancestors should have been booted out of the country that they patriotically flag-wave about, it makes that someone kind of an asshole. Nobody’s saying Lahren should be booted out or prosecuted (punishing people for their ancestors’ transgressions…
We certainly could, but many of the rest of us are not anti-immigration jabbering TV pundits who argue forcefully against the same amnesty our immigrant ancestors benefitted from.
Just like when you point out the number of illegal immigrants from Ireland and England (overstaying Visas) and they literally just laugh
if the Russians want Tomi Lahren back, they can absolutely have her.
I am honestly not sure what I would do if someone genuinely looks at me and tells me to get down on my fours. Like, you are definitely right. That’s not the sort of random thought that comes bursting out of your mouth. That’s a practiced line of belief.
Man, spitting is the type of thing that inspires a kinda black-out, can’t-remember-what-you-did rage.
So a couple things. First, wow, the specificity here. Telling him to get down on all fours because he’s vermin?!?! This is not something that comes to you in the heat of the moment. This is shit you have to ruminate on.
I have been incredibly impressed with the restraint people have in the face of these bigots. I haven’t personally come across anything like this myself but if I did I don’t know if I’d be able to handle it with any sort of class or calm. I’d like to think I would, but just watching this crap gets my blood boiling.…