Niko Perrier

IDEK! I’ll be there opening weekend. I’m sure it’s gonna be shit, but it’s my PROBLEMATIC FAVVVEEEEE

You sound like my wife when we’re around better looking men.

Quick, someone write a book about it! Call it...hermmm.. the New Jim Crow?

It is a perfect metaphor for Trump.


Lemons to lemonade

always happy for scotch recommendations.

Are you a tooth grinder/clencher?

Well, my friends, I have some news.

Sort of related to the underwear-thief cat: my puppy steals my socks. Like, it doesn’t matter if they’re clean or dirty, if he can get hold of a fucking sock, it is GONE, unless he brings it to me randomly for fetch time. My parents asked what I wanted for Christmas last year and I was like...just, socks? Because I

Beauties! I love grey cats!

Glenfiddich is so delicious and smooth. One day I’ll splurge and buy the 21-year, but the 12 and 15 are excellent. Enjoy!

Because it needs to be done on 2 different occasions, and you’re not gonna rush the kid to the doctor when she has to take a shit twice. And it’s really not that hard. Just brush it gently in the water and brush the shit water on the little paper square. If I could do it, he could, no need to mangle the poop and smear

It’s not super duper fancy but I’m a fan of Glenfidditch 12-year. It’s really smooth and apple-y and like $50 for a fifth. It’s pretty easy to find.

OK, be honest. This is a spinoff of the sponsored post for Me Undies. It’s their new division Meow Undies, right?

Does anyone else hate their Republican relatives even more because of the election? Especially if you’re the one of the few Democrats in your family?

Bye bye Gawker, the BP of journalism.

“ThatIsNotIrony” learned me good ;) :)

Now playing

Laurie Anderson had a pretty interesting run-in with a Playboy Bunny.