Shai-Hulud is my spirit animal

I work on a 3,600 acre farm, 200 acres is organic. We grow grass seed for forage and turf, 8 varieties of wheat, emmer, spelt, barley, radish seed, oilseed crops, sugar beet seed, garbanzos, lentils, teff, nyger Thistle, flax, clover, peas...

P-3's shoot the approach at EUG ALL DAY LONG and do it veerrry low. Their pattern is almost directly over my house and it is an air frame who's usefulness I've wondered about a great deal. Thanks for the info!

At 4:18 I find myself humming some Bill Conti...please tell me I'm not the only one...

I think I remember seeing the Blue Angels in this airframe in Hillsboro, OR a loooong time ago... Or am I channeling a Walter Mitty memory?

Makes me believe in reincarnation

This is becoming my standard issue "What book made you scared-terrified-depressed-weep-scream-cry-sob-catatonic-whimper-insert negative adjective here" answer on IO9...

Anything with huge daggers hanging from their mouth really doesn't need a warning label- amirite?

Michael Bay silent movie-God Exists

Just me?

It's not a 'series'... But depressing enough to be a series. Yay Cormac for guiding me to the bleakest possible life possible!!

My first thought: "I HOPE it's ours."

Godzilla scoffs at your idea IGN....

Umm, not to nit pick, but he's on the wrong side of the car for the UK, not that it seems to matter to anyone, anywhere...

My first thought -after shivering-"Nuke the entire site from orbit..."


The White Plague by Frank Herbert.

That I originally read this on DOLPHIN browser is not with out irony.

"The White Plague" by Frank Herbert; hands down the most horrifying book I ever read.

"The White Plague" by Frank Herbert; hands down the most horrifying book I ever read.